A place for long-form essays, personal anecdotes and green graphic design articles.
Why your next green design project should use a tree-free paper stock.
Alternative fibres are a powerful way to connect with your sustainably-focused consumer and reduce your carbon footprint. In this blog post we’ll talk about hemp, recycled cotton, and straw papers.
Can Fonts be Eco-Friendly?
Is it true that fonts can be eco-friendly, and that not choosing an eco-friendly font can damage the environment?
Picking Green Paper Stocks: How do I choose an a sustainable forestry supply chain certification?
Don’t know where to start when choosing sustainable paper stocks for your next print or packaging project? Start here: consider picking a sustainable forestry certification.
5 Books Every Green Graphic Designer Should Read
It can be overwhelming knowing where to begin with green graphic design. These 5 books will give any designers an education in green graphic design.
What can designers do for climate action in the workplace?
Design conferences do not speak about the environment, sustainability, green graphic design practices. So what does a green graphic designer do?
Greenwashed Conservation and Pantone's Colour of the Year
Pantone released their 2019 Colour of the year, admittedly almost a year ago, but the colour, dubbed “Living Coral”, has frustrated me ever since release.
What is a "Green" Graphic Designer?
Design conferences do not speak about the environment, sustainability, green graphic design practices. So what does a green graphic designer do?
My Low-Waste Journey Transformed my Design Business
I was loving running my design business, but the idea that I could be doing more for the environment started to eat away at me. But what was I to do? I’m just one woman in a small city. I did a Google Search for green graphic design.