We teach designers how to create sustainable, eco-friendly design work for clients.

The Green Graphic Design Course
One time
For 3 months

Become a sustainable design expert through our intensely-researched course specifically geared towards graphic designers who want to reduce their impact on the planet and create environmentally-friendly work for their clients or agencies.

✓ 12+ Hours of Dense Lectures/35+ Hours of Q&A Replays
✓ LIfetime Access and Free Updates
✓ Notes Guides, Templates, Swipe Copy, Additional Resources
✓ Optional Green Designer Certification
✓ Scheduled Free Group Calls + Free 1:1 Support


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We teach graphic designers how to create sustainable, eco-friendly design work for clients.

No more scrolling through industry sites, eco-blogger pages and misleading sales pages. We want to take away your sustainable overwhelm by providing you with the most comprehensive, accessible way to learn science-based green design practices. Let’s change the industry together!

Our design choices can have far-ranging effects, its time we understood them.

We believe that designers have a moral imperative to make sustainable choices. Climate change is a challenge that is shaping our world; we have the ability and therefore the responsibility to meet it.

In the course, we cover everything you need to know about green design practices, materials, techniques, printers, inks, processes, client communication and a lot more! It’s the culmination of 7 years of our research and real-world client experimentation and learning.

  • We want all of our students to be on the same page and have nobody left behind–our course includes units on climate crisis, human impact, and environmental racism.

  • We want to give you all the knowledge you need to be able to make sustainable design choices in your own work. The course provides some resource lists for papers and printers, but is mostly focused on providing you with the information you need to make sustainable choices independently in your own work.

  • We get it–sometimes clients can be hesitant about green design practices. We’ve been there! We break down all our best tips to convince them green design solutions are the right choice.

The Green Graphic Design Course
One time
For 3 months

Become a sustainable design expert through our intensely-researched course specifically geared towards graphic designers who want to reduce their impact on the planet and create environmentally-friendly work for their clients or agencies.

✓ 12+ Hours of Dense Lectures/35+ Hours of Q&A Replays
✓ LIfetime Access and Free Updates
✓ Notes Guides, Templates, Swipe Copy, Additional Resources
✓ Optional Green Designer Certification
✓ Scheduled Free Group Calls + Free 1:1 Support

Meet Your Instructors

Meet Your Instructors ✳


Co-Founder, Little Fox
Sustainable Designer

Emma wanted to find some way of integrating sustainability into her design practices after seeing the numerous headlines about the climate crisis in 2016. After looking into sustainable graphic design and finding, well, not a lot, she set about researching green graphic design in order to learn the latest sustainable recommendations she could implement in her design studio; in 2020 this naturally lead into the creation of this course so that other designers wouldn’t have to struggle to find information like her.


Co-Founder, Little Fox
Strategy, Materials Research

Sastun brings a background in complex systems, social science, and mathematics to the behind-the-scenes strategy behind the company. This background allows Little Fox to vet packaging and materials solutions through a cutting-edge scientific lens for lifecycle and impact assessment.

We own Little Fox Design–a design studio dedicated to sustainable design. We only work with clients interested in eco-friendly design.

Our business is strongly committed to environmentally-friendly policies at all times. We only work with clients who are aligned with our values, and have seen huge success through niching down in this way. We’re carbon-neutral, and our studio is powered by hydro-energy. We want to teach you everything we’ve learned the past few years niching down and save you from making some of the same mistakes we did.


Our curriculum is designed to make you a confident sustainable design expert–when designing, when talking to printers, clients, fellow designers, and when doing your own research.


Understanding Climate Crisis

In this unit we cover the foundations of sustainability, a brief look at the mechanisms behind how the climate crisis is occurring, the effects of climate change and human activity on the planet, and finally some of the solutions that are currently being considered to help remedy these problems. We think it’s important to provide these topics to bring anyone joining the course up to speed with some of these contemporary issues so they don’t feel uncertain discussing these complex topics with us. Having a knowledge base around these issues also helps when communicate to clients the importance of making sustainable choices.

  • What is Sustainability? (24 mins)

  • What is Climate Crisis? (31 mins)

  • Dirty Air: Big Oil’s Propaganda Campaign (21 mins)

  • The Anthropocene (27 mins)

  • The Fix: Climate Solutions (37 mins)


& Impact

In this unit we cover basic forest biology, talking about why forest diversity matters and how that relates to the importance of avoiding deforestation. From there we start talking about the kinds of choices designers can make to minimize any harm they may unintentionally be causing and ways to reduce reliance on unsustainable paper sources and how to navigate the fairly complex space of certifications, paper types, and supply chains. 

  • The Importance of Forests (24 mins)

  • Forestry & Forestry Certifications (33 mins)

  • Understanding Supply Chains (19 mins)


Paper, Inks,
Printers & More

In this unit we go into more depth about specific paper stock options, inks, coatings, whether font choice really matters, and how to choose printers. We also talk about how you can influence your printer to offer more sustainable options.

  • Choosing Paper Stocks/Materials (25 mins)

  • Inks, Coatings, and Fonts (20 mins)

  • Choosing Printers (18 mins)


Sustainable Packaging

Here we talk about how packaging can function as an effective piece of marketing and way to communicate a clients values to their customers. We also explore some of the myths about plastic recycling, and explore how the unsustainable life-cycle of plastics intersects with environmental racism. Expanding this, we talk about a range of common materials that are used in packaging, the pros and cons of each, and their appropriate use conditions. We try to emphasize materials that are commonly considered as sustainable and explore what’s truly sustainable, and what’s irredeemably greenwashed. 

  • Design Transparency & Building Consumer Trust (22 mins)

  • Plastics Recycling (24 mins)

  • Environmental Racism & Plastics (10 mins)

  • Bioplastics (26 mins)

  • Glass (23 mins)

  • Corporate Influence (23 mins)


Running a Green Design Studio

In this unit, we cover some of the external studio policies and methods you can use to become more sustainable. We talk about setting up environmental policies, and cover how to audit your own studio for sustainable practices (strengths and areas to improve). You’ll get the wording I use in all my contracts to ensure clients stay sustainable and also you’ll receive my template for our annual Environmental Impact Reports we create to talk about Little Fox’s impact. We also covering some of the experiences and mistakes that we’ve run into along our path in creating a sustainable design studio. We’ll talk about effective marketing strategies, studio operations and best practices, and how to screen clients ethically so you can ensure you’re taking on work that aligns with your values.

  • Environmental Policies (12 mins)

  • Design Contracts (8 mins)

  • Conducting a Sustainable Studio Audit (11 mins)

  • Creating an Environmental Impact Report (33 mins)

  • Marketing Yourself as a Sustainable Designer (33 mins)

  • Content Marketing (15 mins)

  • Screening and Ethics with Clients (9 mins)

  • Studio Operations: Clients & Profitability (1 mins)


The Business Case for Green Design

Here we really go in depth into how to explain to clients why and how sustainability can be an effective choice for them. We talk about the portion of market share that is currently being untapped due to (we argue) a lack of sustainable options, and how to expand the concept of sustainable branding beyond just reusable home-goods. This unit will give you the ability to convince clients that green choices are viable and profitable. We’re going to be discussing proven methods you can use with clients to address their questions and concerns about green design choices. We’ll also cover what to do when you just can’t pick the sustainable option.

  • Ethical Branding (31 mins)

  • Sustainable Market Share: Packaging (9 mins)

  • It Should Come In Black – Aesthetics (7 mins)

  • Managing Client Expectations (12 mins)


Becoming an Industry Expert

We take a critical look at examples of greenwashing, and how you can avoid committing the same sins. We also explore the legal requirements around ‘green’ marketing language established by regulatory bodies. We also look at how you can establish yourself as creditably sustainable through carbon offsetting, and how to decide what kind of certifications are right for your business. 

  • Greenwashing: Recognizing & Avoiding (38 mins)

  • FTC Guidelines & Legal Green Marketing (8 mins)

  • Carbon Footprints & Offsetting (21 mins)

  • Donations & Certifications (B-Corp, etc) (80 mins)


Additional Lectures

Bonus content and guest lecturers appear here! Guest lectures on Green Web Design are by Amy of Blue Raspberry Design.

  • Eco-Anxiety and Sustainable Activism (25 mins)

  • Intro to Green Web Design (18 mins)

  • Green Web Design Tips and Tricks (41 mins)


“Taking your course has been a privilege. Thank you for the hard work you both have put in. I’m learning and expanding. I wanted to thank you for giving me the outlet to feel better about my personal actions and my future business impact. The course has opened my mind and the information is so important.

— Paige

“This course isn’t just about green graphic design but really helped me to understand how to make better decisions not just as a designer, but as a person. So much research and care went into this course that it would take years to learn everything on your own. Overall I just learned so much and I see myself going back to this again and again. Again, thank you for this wonderful course and for making it so accessible!”

— Sara

There is so much value in this course, from learning about the climate crisis, and material choices, to running a green studio and working with clients. The community around the course has been great and I feel really happy I signed up. Taking the course transformed this autumn into something positive.”

— Emil

This course has given me new hope and clarity on the direction I’m taking my business. While a lot of the subject matter is downright depressing, I’m filled with so much joy being able to think critically about them and have thoughtful conversations with designers who also give a shit."”

— Nadia


  • The course costs $300. We understand that the current trend of design courses in the social media space is to price them at value-based pricing for the students, and courses usually range from $2,000-5,000. We support all creators charging their worth.

    Our pricing model, however, places accessibility first. We want as many people as possible to join the course, and do not believe in putting sustainability information behind a steep pay-wall. Transparency is a huge value of ours as well (which is why we’re even bothering to write this disclaimer!) As such, we’ve priced the course as low as we possibly can (while still being able to pay our bills and keep the lights on in the studio to continue to do sustainable design work). If these prices are inaccessible to you, please send us an email at

    We want your help to shape the culture of the design industry and normalize sustainable design–providing a low-cost, comprehensive course is our first step towards that.

  • The course never closes. The course is evergreen–you can sign on at any time. We do not want to restrict anyone from learning or purchasing the course at the right time financially, or schedule-wise for them. We will relaunch the coaching calls a few times a year, but the course content will be available all year round. If you’re interested in the community aspect and going through the course with others, these relaunches will be the ideal time to register.
    We want the course to be an ongoing resource guide, and allow people to go through it at their own pace and reference videos and sections whenever they need. All students have lifetime access to the course. In all likelihood we’ll be updating this content as we continue to learn more ourselves and you’ll have access to any upgrades or additional units we put in over time at no extra cost.

  • There is 13 hours of dense lecture content in the course and over 30+ hours of coaching call replay content with time-stamped questions.

  • Graphic designers, educators, and graphic design students who are looking to learn how to add actionable, tangible sustainable design practices into their independent or studio design work. It’s ideal for those who have a design studio already but are looking to work with more ethical, eco-conscious businesses and want to be able to walk the talk. However, we have had several students who work in-house that have gotten a lot out of the course as well.

    The course is NOT designed to teach you graphic design or the programs like Adobe Suite or Figma. If you have no knowledge of graphic design or aren’t a designer we don’t recommend this course.

    Note: All videos have Closed Captions/Transcripts for accessibility.

  • The course is deigned to teach you how to make sustainable choices on your own for any project in any city. We will teach you the criteria for evaluating sustainable choices.

    As such, while it is impossible for us to research things such as individual recycling systems in every individual country or even city that a possible student might reside in, our course is based around researched frameworks and principles of sustainability that are vastly applicable across the globe. As such, there is very little information that is directly geolocked or only relevant to the USA: there are a few resources that include recommendations for North American printers, but this is merely a linked resource, not part of lecture content.

  • We have a Geneva community that all students can join. There you can talk to us, ask questions, or post resources you find. We feel it is important to note that while the community was active in previous years during the pandemic, post-pandemic the discussion has slowed and it is pretty empty. The community is still available to join - or you can ask us questions over email!

  • The Green Designer Certification is an optional part of the Green Graphic Design Course. The certification is a fun way you can show off your sustainable learning and values! It’s for students who want to proudly show off they’re committed to sustainable design in their work.

    The certification does not cost any extra money. Attached to each unit is a quiz, if you complete each quiz we’ll send you the certification! The quizzes are for participation only, and to test your learning (for yourself) and are not “officially” graded. We figure if anyone’s taking the quizzes, they cared to engage with the content and are committed to sustainability.

    The certification has no monetary value and is just a small logo to help start conversations with clients! It’s just a tool to help you market your values.

    You can use the certification anywhere: your website, print materials, inquiry emails, presentations, social media, etc. There are no restrictions! Wherever you think it’ll help promote your sustainable commitments and get clients interested in working with a sustainable professional! You can even modify it to put it in your brand colours! You’ll get .EPS files alongside JPG/PNG and a small “style guide” with ideas/general information about it and how to talk about your learning outcomes from the course.

  • Two times a year we’ll be launching group coaching calls that happen weekly for approximately two months.

    These calls last about an hour and are free to all students (past and present) and encourage a group of students to join the course together and build friendships and community. We’ll be here to support you as well through your learning each week. In the few months we’re not running coaching calls, we’re available in the Geneva or via email to help you out!

    Note: No matter when you join you’ll have access to the calls when we run them! Feel confident to join at any time.

    If you’re worried about missing the coaching calls/office hours - don’t! They’re optional drop-in calls for anyone at any time. We have no expectations students show up to them regularly! We usually wait about 20 minutes past the call start time to see if anyone will join before we close the call. All the live calls are all recorded, so you can watch the replay. You can also submit questions for us ahead of time which we will answer on the calls, or provide written answers on the respective Unit video page!

  • Approximately 2-3 hours a week. There is on average about 2 hours of lecture content a week, with some units including additional materials or readings. Students should also schedule approximately 1 hour a week to participate in coaching calls (if desired, if they’re live), and time to take the quiz!

  • Absolutely. Send us an email at and we will work out the details. We’ll be able to help you assess the learning outcomes, frameworks, and materials covered in the course!

The course also includes:

Notes Guides + Resources

Any video that we feel has a lot of important information that we think you might want to reference on the regular has a custom-designed notes guide for your quick-reference needs! The course also features a lot of additional recommended reading, resources, and useful information to further your learning.

A private Geneva community

Everyone who joins the course will have access to a private Slack community where you can share work, problems with clients, resources, question about running a design biz and more! We’re all here to help each other and learn from one another. Just a note: while the community is still there and you can chat to us anytime, we want to be transparent in that it’s pretty quiet in the community post-pandemic.

Free weekly “Office Hours” Calls hosted 2-3x a year

Several times a year, there will group coaching calls / “Office Hours” with Little Fox. We will run them for about 4-5 weeks at a time where you get direct access to us for 1-2 hours each week and we can discuss the course materials and answer any of your questions! These calls are for all students who join at any time!

“Little Fox” Certification in Green Design

If you complete all of the lectures and quizzes (optional), you receive a cute little certification from us, confirming you’ve learned everything you need to to be able to be a professional sustainable designer! You can use the logo on your website or discuss it with your clients as a huge-value add that you’ve completed this training in your sustainable specialty.

The green graphic design course is open year-round!

The course features around 12+ hours of lectures and 20+ hours of Q&A replays (much in the same format a university course would provide), with some assigned readings and supplementary materials like resources, templates, and more each week. You can choose from two payment plans - one time, or three individual payments.

Your access to the course is lifetime. And you will receive free access to all updates in the future!

The Green Graphic Design Course
One time
For 3 months

Become a sustainable design expert through our intensely-researched course specifically geared towards graphic designers who want to reduce their impact on the planet and create environmentally-friendly work for their clients or agencies.

✓ 12+ Hours of Dense Lectures/35+ Hours of Q&A Replays
✓ LIfetime Access and Free Updates
✓ Notes Guides, Templates, Swipe Copy, Additional Resources
✓ Optional Green Designer Certification
✓ Scheduled Free Group Calls + Free 1:1 Support

Pricing Disclaimer: We understand that the current trend of design courses in the social media space is to price them at value-based pricing for the students, and courses usually range from $2,000-5,000. We support all creators charging their worth. Our pricing model, however, places accessibility first. We want as many people as possible to join the course, and do not believe in putting sustainability information behind a steep paywall. Transparency is a huge value of ours as well (which is why we’re even bothering to write this disclaimer!) As such, we’ve priced the course as low as we possibly can (while still being able to pay our bills and keep the lights on in the studio to continue to do sustainable design work). If these prices are inaccessible to you, please send us an email at We want your help to shape the culture of the design industry and normalize sustainable design–providing a low-cost, comprehensive course is our first step towards that.


“When I started green graphic design, I felt alone. I’d been told Green Design wasn’t “worth it” by an industry professional, but I knew he was wrong. I decided to dive head in even though I barely knew where to start. I quickly found all the main information about “sustainable design” was decades old and outdated. It was time for a rebirth of design ethics and practices.

This course is the very thing I desperately wish I could have had when I was starting out. It’s incredibly intimidating doing something in the industry few are–this course is part of my solution to build community and collaboration about greener, more ethical graphic design and to build support systems for all the incredible ethical graphic designers out there who want to be doing more with their work.”